Transfer of Prince Edward Island Breeders Award for Mares Purchased In Foal (F/O 2024) That Will Become 100% Island Owned

This form is to be completed by Island owners who purchase a mare in foal (Due in 2024). This forms allows the transfer of Island Breeders Awards from the breeder of record to the Island owner that has purchased the mare and will be foaling her out in 2024. To be eligible for the Island Breeders Awards the newly purchased mare must be 100% Island owned at time of foaling, the mare must foal on PEI, and the mare mut reside on PEI for 183 days during the foaling year (2024).

I hereby transfer my rights to the Prince Edward Island breeders award for the 2024 foal out of the mare listed on this form. A transfer of PEI Breeder Awards can only occur after transfer of ownership (of the mare) has been recorded with Standardbred Canada prior to foaling and the mare becomes 100% Prince Edward Island owned. I, the undersigned certify that I have full power and authority to execute and file this application and that each person or entity having ownership interest in this mare has full knowledge of the filing of this document. I further certify that each person or entity having ownership interest in this mare has authorized me to complete and file this document and that I have full power and authority to receive any requested or related documents from the PEI Harness Racing Industry Association. I understand that if the declared location of the residency is in question or the ownership is in question, the onus will be on the owner to provide further documentation to verify eligibility for the Prince Edward Island Breeders Awards. I understand that should I fail to provide documentation as requested the resulting foal from the mare may be ineligible for Prince Edward Island Breeders Awards. I further certify that I have read and understand the conditions of mare eligibility published by the Prince Edward Island Harness Racing Industry Association and certify that this mare meets the residency requirements ( mare has foaled on PEI and remains on the Island for 183 days during the foaling year) and that the information stated on this form is true and correct. I hereby assume full responsibility for the information provided. I understand that the program administrator reserves the right to amend, cancel or alter the program and/or make changes to the terms, conditions, and benefits of any nature and kind whatsoever and, the signatories of this form hereby agree to be bound by such changes.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
(Drivers license, electricity bill, PEI rental agreement, etc.)
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Date of transfer must be prior to foaling.