
Finance Committee
Chair: Blaine MacPherson
Members:  Mike Currie, Peter Smith, Bruce Wood, and Julie Jamieson

Bylaws Committee
Chair: Blaine McPherson
Members: Mike Currie, James Perrot, and Julie Jamieson

Purse Pool Committee
Chair: Blaine MacPherson
Members: Lee Drake, Gerard Smith, and Julie Jamieson

Stakes Committee
Chair: Earl Watts
Members: Blaine MacPherson, Peter Smith, Scott Roloson, Bruce Wood, Jamie Whalen, and Julie Jamieson.

Special Events
Chair: Mike Currie
Members: Lee Drake, and Julie Jamieson

Atlantic Classic Sale Committee

Chair: Nick Oakes

Sale Manager: Julie Jamieson

Members:  Lynda Ramsay, Blaine Thibeau, Bruce Wood, Janice Whalen, Myles Heffernan, Zach Conway, and Alexis Gass.

Atlantic Provinces Harness Racing Development Committee
Chair: Blaine MacPherson
Members: Julie Jamieson, and Jay Noye.

Ex Officio

Jacinta Campbell (APHRC)

 Bruce Wood (Standardbred Canada)

Julie Jamieson (Executive Director PEIHRIA)

Zach Conway (Administrative Assistant PEIHRIA)

In Memoriam

The PEIHRIA wishes to acknowledge the late Kent Oakes for his many years of dedicated service to the harness racing industry on Prince Edward Island. Kent in his role as Ex Officio Board Member for the Department of Finance served on the board and various committees of the PEIHRIA and was instrumental in the development of policy for the Association.